Using Empathy to Reduce Aggression in Montbello's Elementary Schools

"Aggressive behavior in schools is a problem that can seriously disrupt teaching and learning for all students, not just those that are hostile or engage in fighting. Spanish research suggests that a socio-emotional learning (SEL) program can help to reduce aggression among youth by increasing their levels of empathy." --School lessons in empathy lead to lower levels of aggression, Prevention Action 3/31/14

Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS), a socio-emotional learning program which includes lessons on empathy, has been implemented in three Montbello elementary schools as part of the Steps to Success initiative. The program has been so successful that we have been invited to expand into two more Montbello elementary schools this fall. PATHS has been proven to improve student behavior, reduce classroom disruptions and to increase academic engagement and achievement. To learn more about PATHS and other Steps to Success programs please visit our Programs page.

To read the entire Prevention Action article quoted above, please click here.